There is no Frigate like a Book
To take us Lands away
Nor any Coursers like a Page
Of prancing Poetry--
This Traverse may the poorest take
Without oppress of Toll--
How frugal is the Chariot
That bears the Human Soul--

-Emily Dickinson

November, 2010. This is when I had an epiphany that I knew nothing about literature. What exactly prompted this revelation, I don't remember. But what I did after that was print off "BBC's Top 100 Books" list in order to expand my horizons. (Although I'm aware that there are plenty of books omitted from the list, as well as new books constantly being published, this is intended simply to help me be acquainted with literature.) I challenged myself to read all of the books on the list. One year later, I've realized it will take much longer than expected. With only 7 of the 100 books read, this task seems daunting and unrealistic. While some may think it's somewhat masochistic, some may think it's an admirable goal. I guess it depends on the book I'm reading. Frequently I'll read a book that is not on this long list. I used to apologize for it, but I'm assuming hardly anyone reads it anyways.

I started by critiquing the books and authors, but the purpose for writing has changed over the years. The purpose of this blog isn't necessarily to write reviews for the benefit of high school procrastinators or for eagerly researching book-readers or for really anyone besides me. It's a documentation of my own progress as a learner and a reader, as well as being wonderfully cathartic. Books elicit an emotional response, which allows me to explore my own beliefs about life and spirituality.

As of Sunday, June 21st, 2015, I have read twenty-six books on the list. This is hopefully subject to change, and will be updated regularly...or more accurately, as regularly as I finish a book, which isn't always regular.

Monday, January 14, 2013

The Hobbit - JRR Tolkien

Read Twenty-Second on January 14, 2013.

Before any of you get your underwear into a knot, I did read this before I went to see the movie. I'm not one to watch the movie, read the book, and then call myself a long-time Hobbit fan, not unlike most of the fans of The Hunger Games or Twilight. 

Reading the book after the movie did realize many dissimilarities between the two. But I actually didn't mind! As said in my post about The Lord of the Rings, I feel that J.R.R. Tolkien had a little trouble in developing the supporting characters. Also, Peter Jackson (director of the movie) has done a very nice job tying The Hobbit into The Lord of the Rings and its conflict with Sauron. But enough about the movie. As much as I love movies, I'm not a movie-critic!

Well, neither am I a book-critic. Not a professional one, at least. Stay tuned, though. Hopefully by the end of the list I will have a little bit more schooling behind me and definitely a lot more experience.

I do love the book, though. This is the epitome of character progression. Bilbo has the two sides of him competing within him throughout the whole book: the Baggins side, and the Tookish side; comfort and adventure. Of course, it wasn't a battle as most "inner-struggles" seem to be. The two instincts of timidity and bravery coexist, with one being more prominent than the other at times. At first, he suppressed his audaciousness in respect to his calm reputation among the other hobbits. When in danger, Bilbo had no choice but to unleash the Took inside and save his dwarf friends as well as himself. In the end, after returning to his home at Bag-End, he lost that reputation with the hobbits, but he didn't care! He was happy with his adventures and his new-found friends of various sorts.What he had relished before, a rather fake connection with his peers, was replaced with genuine friendship.

I read this book because I needed to get back into the habit of reading. I knew I could get through this book quickly enough, so immersing myself into reading this has hopefully prepared me for many more days of mostly reading.

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